by Yasiru



Simply scan a product price with the camera and hit the convert button to convert.Built-in camera scans for price values using artificial intelligence. If multiple values exist it displays a simple list for the user to pick from.Options to simplify the user interface to your liking.Keeps track of 3 recently converted prices. Offline mode avaiable if you go off the grid or places without connectivity.Simply selecting offline mode downloads the neccessery data for the application to work offline.Automatically downloads the latest currency rates when you are connected to a network.pick from large list of currencies (30+) usd.United States dollar, eur - Euro, gbp - Pound sterling, aud - Australian dollar, bgn - Bulgarian lev, brl -Brazilian real, cad - Canadian dollar, chf - Swiss franc, cny - Renminbi, czk - Czech krone, dkk - Danish krone, hkd - Hong Kong dollar, hrk - Croatian kuna, huf - Hungarian forint, idr - Indonesian rupiah, ils - Israeli shekel, inr - Indian rupee, isk - celandic króna, jpy - Japanese yen, krw - South Korean won, mxn - Mexican peso", myr - Malaysian ringgit, nok - Norwegian krone, nzd - New Zealand dollar, php - Philippine peso, pln - Polish złoty, ron - Romanian leu, rub - Russian ruble, sek - Swedish krona, sgd - Singapore dollar, thb - Thai baht, try - Turkish lira, zar - South African randWe use daily updated exchange currency rates. So you will get the most accurate results